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Sentiment Analysis- The Emotional aspect of Social Media, Website Reviews and Games- Part 5

Uma Chandrasekhar
9 min readJul 5, 2024



As I discussed before, sentiment analysis is used to read emotions expressed as a text or as a voice data, using many techniques which include NLP, semantic search engines, dynamic classification, translation etc., which in turn takes us towards the opinion mining architecture, which I introduced in Part -1 of this series.

© 2024 Copyrighted to Uma Chandrasekhar, All rights reserved.

The image above is to kindle your memory. We will continue where I left off in the previous article, at BERT architecture –Word embeddings — SoftMax activation functions.

Scaling and Normalization

SoftMax activation functions are used in classification task of supervised models. As mentioned in the previous article the scaled dot product is subject to an SoftMax activation function and resultant values are the weighted probabilities, summing to one as shown in the image below.

© 2024 Copyrighted to Uma Chandrasekhar, All rights reserved.



Uma Chandrasekhar

I live and work as an executive technical innovator in Silicon Valley, California . I love working in autonomous systems including AVs.