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Sentiment Analysis- The Emotional aspect of Social Media, Website Reviews and Games -Part 7

Uma Chandrasekhar
10 min readAug 30, 2024



As I discussed before, sentiment analysis is used to read emotions expressed as a text or as a voice data, using many techniques which include NLP, semantic search engines, dynamic classification, translation etc., which in turn takes us towards the opinion mining architecture, which I introduced in Part -1 of this series. The image above is to kindle your memory.

© 2024 Copyrighted to Uma Chandrasekhar, All rights reserved.

I will continue where I left off in the previous article, at attention layer in BERT as a part of semantic search engines and Google BERT.

Applications of Attention Layer

Multi-head attention has ‘h’ layers of encoder and decoder, which is projected ‘h’ times as described in the last article of this series. The BERT transformer uses multi-head attention in many ways. If we take a look at the BERT Internal architecture [Image recalled from previous article]



Uma Chandrasekhar

I live and work as an executive technical innovator in Silicon Valley, California . I love working in autonomous systems including AVs.